Monday, May 23, 2011

The Times

So, awesome blogees, this is the first post of mine in a little over a month.  I dropped out for a bit. Never did that in college...thought I'd give it a try while enrolled in blog-school.  No, but really, I just haven't felt the urge to write.  Part of this assignment was to train myself to write even when I don't feel the urge, so I guess I failed a bit on that account.  More than a bit (Italics will now be code for my witty editing process), I failed hardcore.  WRITE DAMNIT!

But, I am here to blog (is it a verb? To blog? To blaave?) that this is not over.  My girlfriend said to me today or yesterday (the times, they blur so pearly pink these days), "you know, you are just about over the line."  Meaning, unlike Johnny Cash who famously tried to walk the line, and who infamously fell on his ass (actually I don't remember the end of that he ok?), I am on the verge of no more blog.  But before such a large scale (yes the internet will reel with loss) decision can be made, I wanted to test the waters again.

My original goal was about four posts a month, at minimum, once a week, with a real preference of twice a week.  I was branching out with book reviews, comments on the times and the like, and just got, well, lazy.  It's a serious flaw.

So I wanted to write and say that I am doing the once a week thing.  I'll fret and worry and put it off so most likely there will be a new post every Sunday. (Which brings up the interesting point of how one gauges the beginning and end of a week with no work or schedule in sight)  Hopefully it will be like school and I'll bust out gnarly epic posts with multiple interlocking thesi (plural words that end in i make my day!) and at least ten academic resources.  Worst case scenario: you'll get a play by play of the foods I eat on Sundays.  I'm looking forward to it.  Are you?

p.s. I have had numerous complaints (which is really good because it means I have numerous readers) that the color scheme on this website will in fact make you legally blind.  I am changing it. Peer pressure sucks.  I like black on green!


  1. Writing when you're just not feeling it is TOUGH. I still journal 2-3 times a week, but I never consider that "writing" because it isn't GOOD writing. Maybe I stopped labeling writing as "real writing" versus "journaling" I'd do more of the real stuff. I'm glad you're going to get back into it. Good luck.

  2. Hey Danny, love the new look. Much easier to read. Glad to see you are back at it. I loved your branching out and was looking forward to maybe the beginning of a story or something narrative. I hope you will keep going because I really love reading what you write. I also think you have a gift for insight and expression. The world needs this. - LZ

  3. Go Princess Bride!! Thanks for testing the waters again! I'm interested in what you eat on Sundays (no on will guess who this post is from). Yeah for peer pressure ... like the new, easier-to-read look! Thanks, as always, for your sense of humor!
