Monday, May 30, 2011

Sunday Funday

My dear people, this weekend has been one of serious and intense laziness.  But before I go into the highly interesting details of all that: the food I ate today.

Firstly, half of a homemade chocolate-chip cookie.  Excellent and cakey.  Second, much later in the day and comprising of both my breakfast and lunch, an onion bagel with regular spread cream cheese and half an avocado.  Pretty freaking delicious.  Thirdly, a dinner of Farfalle pasta, grilled chicken, and pesto.  All combined and lathered with healthy amounts of olive oil. Finger licking good. (Which is odd because we didn't eat it with our hands...)

Just trying to live up to my previous post.

So a week has gone by and I've thought of precisely one good topic to blog about, which I'm not actually going to do here.  That idea was Oprah--her life, her legacy, her inexplicable ego and buildup of final shows, and the giant hole she is going to bury all her money in. I'll do that soon, after some extensive Wikipedia research.

For now, I think I am going to ease right back into this.  I got a pretty radical sunburn on Friday and have since then commenced the lazing about.  I am waiting to hear back from a job, and have taken the hopefully pleasant news of no more free time to heart, utilizing the last of my aimless hours watching Lost and strumming my acoustic.  Now, don't get me wrong, this is not entirely different from what I have been doing all week, but somehow, in the sight of a possible new life, it seems all the more sacred and important now.

I will say this about Lost.  Just finished it.  The whole thing.  And man am I a sucker. Loved it, hated it, whatever you feel about the legacy of Lost, you have to admit it was ballsy.  To cover such universal and contemplative topics so openly, with the intention of subliminally inching the masses of America towards true realization of the meaning of existence, is quite something.  Most may have missed these obvious motifs: good versus evil at the core does not work because human beings have free will; we all really need to let go; a fat man stranded on an island can retain his weight if motivated to do so; and we all have a choice.

Now, I realize I'm about a year off from all the hype that this show ended with.  Oh well.

This is all for now, I am a little lost myself.  Slowly heating up the fog that surrounds.

p.s. I have to wear glasses at night to read the computer screen these days.  Old man come and take me away.

Monday, May 23, 2011

New Innovations

So, people, in continuing my blog-nation I have decided to amp it up just a little bit. I know I just vowed to beat the semi-dead horse back to life, but these changes are pertinent and will both of us happy. My previous post entitled "Innovations" contained both new ideas and a long, winding-road post about connectivity (illustrating one of those new ideas).  It was boring, and a long time ago, a lot like George Bush's presidency. Zing.  This will be snappy and hilarious.

Entroducing (yes that's a DJShadow reference) my New Innovations!
(NOTE: I actually wrote this some time ago, so some things are really new, while other things are more like, hey, brosef, check this out if you haven't...ok?)

--Firstly, book reviews. (Like this.)  I do a lot of reading, and I think it is high time I wrote reviews.  This helps me and you: it helps me because I will have a catalogue of book reviews in case some awesome company wants to hire me for just that; it helps you because, well, if you like my style and my taste, maybe you'll like the books I read too.  Here's the catch: most people review books from a reader's standpoint, or for the mass populace; I am going to review it from a writer's standpoint, first and foremost.  Other things will go in there, but these reviews will detail the style of writing, the prose and punctuation (not really but the alliteration is solid)- character theme plot and transitions.  (You have examples in the two I have up.  More to come.) Anyway, book reviews!! yay. (still yay.)

--Secondly, I am starting a quote of the day.  This will be on my page somewhere when I can figure out how to have it come up alongside my main post (anyone want to help me with this?).  Hopefully this will act quite like small pieces of chocolate or hard candy, whichever you prefer, and will either lift your day along or sympathize with the drag that life can be.  Look for these quotes, they will be better than your fortune cookie formula, I promise. (Now I have tried for a couple weeks to figure this out, but seriously does anyone know how to do this? A bit of text alongside my latest post that can be changed and yet archived?  Lemme know.)
Example quote:

"Since when did forgiveness become a better quality than loyalty."- Mad Men

--Thirdly, I am, in the coming days or weeks, going to start cataloguing my posts under different sub-headings.  This will help newcomers find topics that are more interesting to themselves, as well as allow me to see what I write about more often. For instance, one category will be Book Reviews.

--Fourthly, I have updated the look of this blog.  The text is now white and in a different font (for your reading pleasure).  The title simply reads Unpublished, as I have actually stopped my longstanding contract as a construction overseer and am now just an unpublished writer.  I would like to ad a by-line, a mini-what-is-the-what-is-this-blog-about, but can't seem to get it to line up right.  Maybe a photoshop is in order.  Help on that, too? Thanks? Thanks.

--Fifthly, I added a feature, much like that of my "p.s." in which all italicized parentheses, and the contents therein, unless otherwise specified, are editor's notes.  This is to make sure I voice my edits, but also to hopefully greatly increase the humor and depth that this blog is so well known for.

--Sixthly (a word, for sure), there is no sixthly.  These are all my additions.  If you can think of anything you'd like to see, please call 1-800-HARGENSHNARGEN and a volunteer answering a phone I set up in Deleware will be with you.  But really, if you think of things you'd like me to do (look at these for examples) just leave a comment.  Keep in mind this is about writing, life, and the pursuit of inspiration.

Much love.

p.s. I'm really into 30 Rock at the moment.  For like, the fourth time.  Word.

The Times

So, awesome blogees, this is the first post of mine in a little over a month.  I dropped out for a bit. Never did that in college...thought I'd give it a try while enrolled in blog-school.  No, but really, I just haven't felt the urge to write.  Part of this assignment was to train myself to write even when I don't feel the urge, so I guess I failed a bit on that account.  More than a bit (Italics will now be code for my witty editing process), I failed hardcore.  WRITE DAMNIT!

But, I am here to blog (is it a verb? To blog? To blaave?) that this is not over.  My girlfriend said to me today or yesterday (the times, they blur so pearly pink these days), "you know, you are just about over the line."  Meaning, unlike Johnny Cash who famously tried to walk the line, and who infamously fell on his ass (actually I don't remember the end of that he ok?), I am on the verge of no more blog.  But before such a large scale (yes the internet will reel with loss) decision can be made, I wanted to test the waters again.

My original goal was about four posts a month, at minimum, once a week, with a real preference of twice a week.  I was branching out with book reviews, comments on the times and the like, and just got, well, lazy.  It's a serious flaw.

So I wanted to write and say that I am doing the once a week thing.  I'll fret and worry and put it off so most likely there will be a new post every Sunday. (Which brings up the interesting point of how one gauges the beginning and end of a week with no work or schedule in sight)  Hopefully it will be like school and I'll bust out gnarly epic posts with multiple interlocking thesi (plural words that end in i make my day!) and at least ten academic resources.  Worst case scenario: you'll get a play by play of the foods I eat on Sundays.  I'm looking forward to it.  Are you?

p.s. I have had numerous complaints (which is really good because it means I have numerous readers) that the color scheme on this website will in fact make you legally blind.  I am changing it. Peer pressure sucks.  I like black on green!