Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Hello blog.  Back again.  It's been a couple days and I have vaguely been wondering what my next topic will be.  Or, in more grandiose terms, what this blog will consist of on a regular basis.  Still don't really know.

I think right now I will spew out some ideas that could be used in the future, a sort of blogging brainstorm for the blog itself.  It is intelligent.  Active.  Ready to pounce.  One aspect of writing and life that I would like to include here and sometimes in the future are bits on technology.  Small little nuggets of my personal perspective on technology and connectivity, the relationships of the world as they come together.

I watched this show years ago, it talked about how fungai having been growing for such a long time they have developed some sort of larger connection with the nation of fungai, a sort of network that spans the world.  I think, if I recall fully, it said it was growing over time and we could use the models of the fungai to model our own use of the environment, to model our own society.  And then a thing like the internet shows up, and you got to wonder.  What have we created here, you know?  What is this thing capable of.

 Look at it--I've watched the holy child grow.  I am of that generation, us young adults who have no jobs and lead independent social odd lives that people have not categorized yet.  I know a nation of us is full, we are potential, and then we have something like the internet which just quite literally connects everything together.  It is all becoming one.

And the coolest part, the most interesting for a book or a movie or some sort of future scape, is to imagine all of this unification and then picture how it went wrong.  Which thing, you know?  Did we just lose our sense of justice in all this hubub and blow each other up?  Seriously.  Who is dead and why and where is New Earth starting?  Is it Jerusalem?  New Delhi? What race, class--what kind of people survived this thing and why?

Or is it the natural thing.  Are we all so cold that sex is impractical and we watch our great and terrible society crumble as frost bite takes each of our limbs.

I like future projections.  They are good for writing.  I think anyway.  So a blurb like that? Something.  More of my train of thought when I'm not sure what lesson to get on paper for some far-reaching teaching position.

Another idea for regularish post entry might be all of those little things that I write down on my iPhone.  I'd like to think I write them in a journal.  I have one of those moleskins and I make a big deal about it when I can find it. For instance. I watched "Wall Street blah blah" the other day with Shia LeBouff and Michael Douglas and that girl, and it totally did not make sense, but a beautiful line at a critical moment was "How are you going to shine sitting on his sun?"  Beautiful.   The imagery there is so distinct, blazing so brightly with these two balls of fusion trying out-glow each other in deep space like light is life and survival is paramount.

Anyway, stuff like that.  Those are two ideas.  You might be seeing more of each.  You could lshout out if you prefer one at any point, that would be totally fine.  Just lemme' know.  Tanks.

p.s. "In The Garden of the North American Martyrs" is quite good.  Sad retched and well crafted.

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