Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The Dawn

Hello all.  So, it's not Sunday, it's actually past Sunday and there is no post for Sunday. There are three main reasons for this: I am lazy, I went to a rockin' concert on Sunday night (thereby taking up all my lovely Sunday-night blog time), and I GOT A JOB!!!  No, I didn't work on Sunday (man Sunday is starting to sound like a fake word...), or the day before or the day after, but my mental preparation was in full effect and it's hard to find the time to blog when concentrating so seriously.

New things in my life:

1. Well, the job.  I am now a Barista at Starbucks.  No joke.  I got a job in coffee...I got a job at a major corporation...and I got a job where I have to sell the crap out of stuff. Had my first shift today and I think it's going to be really fun.  Seriously.  But even more seriously, the money should start rolling in and maybe mayybe we'll find some independence sticking to me.  Oh also, people at coffee shops do weird things and talk to strange people, they overhear tales of the world and can, like, talk about them and stuff.  Hopefully some epic masterpieces will come of my 9-5.

2. The second new thing is music related.  For those of you that don't know (most of you do, as you are in fact my family and close friends, and therefore know I have lots of awesome, read expensive, gear) I play music.  And I have gear, and I like gear, and I go a little bonkers with gear when I get in one of those deeply satisfying obsessive phases of life.  Well, I got a pedal board (look it up) and a new $300 effects pedal via craigslist trading (got to love the free market future) and am STOKED.  Weird noises count for around 10 points in the game of life. (Cereal? Board-game? Vague wisdom? Who knows...)

Also in this vein, I am playing my first show with my band, Larusso.  I haven't played a legit show in about 4 years, so this is pretty darn exciting for me. (Let me know if you want to come...)

3.  I have decided to become a hobbyist, but need someone to teach me how to solder. This is new, very very new and I will be curious to see where it goes.

4.  Finally, and this is more related to new thing number too, I have not been writing very much. In the literary sense, that is.  I did just post clips from a short story, but I wrote that a while ago and needed to appease my eager contingent of young teenage girls in love in my blog.  What I have been doing, in terms of creativity, is writing music. Songs, lyrics, chord progressions and funkadelic riffs.  But not just writing, I am recording them.  Which is a new phase for me-- trying to create something concrete in order to become immortal. (Classic Gilgamesh complex.) As I notice more about myself and the world while life slinks on by, as I watch my mind and body in action over vast periods of time, I realize  that I am a very creative individual, but I have trouble burning more than one creative candle.  So, right now, it's music.  I hope to have some quality beats pretty soon.  Ghetto blasta status.

So,  I think that is all for now.  It is hard to think of cool lessons in writing when I am not really writing.  Maybe I'll post some lyrics or something.  OH! I am also about to finish the book Empire Falls by Richard Russo.  Look for a review...good good good.

p.s. I did not do a p.s last time!!  I am sorry, I was very forgetful.  I have a reputation to uphold. Trying trying.  Sleep tight me hearties.

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