Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Home Sweet Home

Blog viewers! I am back, sorry for the painstaking delay.  No, I was not delayed on account of weather or terrorism; I moved.  And so I am currently piggy-backing on a local corporation's unprotected wireless internet.  Oh the things I do for you.

Yes, I moved, and I am stoked.  My posts will be slightly sparse in the coming days because of all the commotion, but I will try and throw some new stuff on here.  It turns out when you rent a house they don't also give you a job, so I am still looking for gainful employment and therefore still have serious time in which to blog, once the internet is a little more stable.

It is so nice to set up your own house.  Holy bajeesus.  I love the sponges I bought and how the burners burst to flame.  Our shower is warm and soft, our fridge is way too big for us, and we don't have any furniture.  It's a delight.  I am currently on a rolling ottoman (spelled like the Empire!) in front of a kitchen table that has no chairs.  But it's not ghetto, the walls are well-painted and there is ample space for all the stuff we don't have yet.  Coolest item yet: rad (yes rad) psychedelic reflected shower curtain.  It's a trip.

I think that finally having a house of your own (as opposed to sharing it with four other people), especially with a significant other, does an incredible amount for your daily routine.  And lets be honest, the daily routine of a writer is what makes or breaks his output; did you write a novel or a page?  All depends on your schedule.  So, in setting up my place, in putting paintings just so or the wine rack in that corner, I think I am finally moving closer to scheduling some writing into my life. I also put up a bunch of words on the fridge, they call that magnetic poetry, but I will attempt to make it prose.

With that said, this blog as been excellent practice.  I feel as if I am writing more, and eventually it will transfer over to fiction as well.  Question for writers/people with thoughts: How do you schedule writing into your life?  Do you at all?  Do you give yourself a page quota for the week?  For the day?  I am curious what works for you, because I have never found a consistent pattern.  I usually just write when inspired and then sleep for hours.  Answers are appreciated, but you can also just think about it...

I think that is all for now, more soon.

p.s. I wonder which room I'll write in most...


  1. What's been most reliable in motivating me is to have a deadline and someone I am accountable to for delivering a piece of work.

  2. Congratulations on moving in! I agree with LouZ, having someone to be accountable to can be really helpful. I usually set myself a time minimum. I'll say I only have to write for 20 minutes, then I can stop. By the time 20 minutes is up, I'm usually in the groove and I can keep going for a while. Also, when doing something like NaNoWriMo, when there are daily minimums you have to make in order to keep up, my competitive side kicks in and I usually want to write more in order to be ahead.
